Avi SeProperties Object API

CLI ``` - configure serviceengineproperties - show serviceengineproperties ```
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Version: 20.1.9
All rights reserved


  1. HTTP Basic Authentication


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Table of Contents

  1. get /seproperties
  2. patch /seproperties
  3. put /seproperties
get /seproperties


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Query parameters

name (optional)
Query Parameter — object name
refers_to (optional)
Query Parameter — Filter to request all objects that refers to another Avi resource. Its syntax is refers_to=<obj_type>:<obj_uuid>. Eg. get all virtual services referring to pool p1 will be refers_to=pool:pool_p1_uuid
referred_by (optional)
Query Parameter — Filter to request all objects that are referred by another Avi resource. Its syntax is referred_by=<obj_type>:<obj_uuid>. Eg. get all pools referred_by virtual service vs1 - referred_by=virtualservice:vs_vs1_uuid
fields (optional)
Query Parameter — List of fields to be returned for the resource. Some fields like name, URL, uuid etc. are always returned.
include_name (optional)
Query Parameter — All the Avi REST reference URIs have a name suffix as URI#name. It is useful to get the referenced resource name without performing get on that object.
skip_default (optional)
Query Parameter — Default values are not set.
join_subresources (optional)
Query Parameter — It automatically returns additional dependent resources like runtime. Eg. join_subresources=runtime.

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "se_bootup_properties" : {
    "se_log_buffer_chunk_count" : 123,
    "log_agent_trace_enabled" : true,
    "se_dp_compression" : {
      "window_size" : 123,
      "buf_size" : 123,
      "hash_size" : 123,
      "buf_num" : 123,
      "level_aggressive" : 123,
      "level_normal" : 123
    "se_lro" : 123,
    "se_rum_sampling_res_interval" : 123,
    "se_rum_sampling_res_percent" : 123,
    "se_tunnel_mode" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_conn_blocking_dequeue" : true,
    "se_emulated_cores" : 123,
    "l7_resvd_listen_conns_per_core" : 123,
    "se_pcap_pkt_sz" : 123,
    "se_rum_sampling_nav_interval" : 123,
    "se_dpdk_pmd" : 123,
    "ssl_sess_cache_timeout" : 123,
    "log_agent_debug_enabled" : true,
    "se_ip_encap_ipc" : 123,
    "docker_backend_portstart" : 123,
    "se_l3_encap_ipc" : 123,
    "fair_queueing_enabled" : true,
    "l7_conns_per_core" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_events_blocking_dequeue" : true,
    "ssl_sess_cache_per_vs" : 123,
    "se_pcap_pkt_count" : 123,
    "docker_backend_portend" : 123,
    "geo_db_granularity" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_app_blocking_dequeue" : true,
    "se_use_dpdk" : 123,
    "distribute_queues" : true,
    "distribute_vnics" : true,
    "tcp_syncache_hashsize" : 123,
    "se_rum_sampling_nav_percent" : 123,
    "se_tx_batch_size" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_connlog_size" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_applog_size" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_events_size" : 123
  "se_runtime_properties" : {
    "admin_ssh_enabled" : true,
    "dp_hb_frequency" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_cache_size" : 123,
    "max_throughput" : 123,
    "se_metrics_rt_enabled" : true,
    "lb_fail_max_time" : 123,
    "se_dump_core_on_assert" : true,
    "se_dp_log_nf_enqueue_percent" : 123,
    "connections_lossy_log_rate_limiter_threshold" : 123,
    "scaleout_udp_per_pkt" : true,
    "services_accessible_all_interfaces" : true,
    "mcache_store_in_min_size" : 123,
    "log_agent_pause_interval" : 123,
    "se_handle_interface_routes" : true,
    "feproxy_vips_enable_proxy_arp" : true,
    "http_rum_min_content_length" : 123,
    "mcache_store_in_max_size" : 123,
    "log_agent_file_sz_event" : 123,
    "log_message_max_file_list_size" : 123,
    "dp_aggressive_hb_timeout_count" : 123,
    "dp_aggressive_hb_frequency" : 123,
    "mcache_max_cache_size" : 123456789,
    "log_agent_log_storage_min_sz" : 123,
    "se_malloc_thresh" : 123,
    "upstream_keepalive" : true,
    "se_dp_compression" : {
      "max_low_rtt" : 123,
      "min_high_rtt" : 123,
      "min_length" : 123,
      "mobile_str" : [ "aeiou" ]
    "dp_hb_timeout_count" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_conns_per_server" : 123,
    "log_agent_export_msg_buffer_size" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_conn_idle_tmo" : 123,
    "disable_tso" : true,
    "log_agent_max_storage_excess_percent" : 123,
    "se_random_tcp_drops" : true,
    "log_agent_max_concurrent_rsync" : 123,
    "se_metrics_interval" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_strategy" : 123,
    "log_agent_max_active_adf_files_per_vs" : 123,
    "se_dp_vnic_queue_stall_event_sleep" : 123,
    "se_dp_vnic_stall_se_restart_window" : 123,
    "flow_table_batch_push_frequency" : 123,
    "se_rate_limiters" : {
      "icmp_rsp_rl" : 123,
      "rst_rl" : 123,
      "arp_rl" : 123,
      "flow_probe_rl" : 123,
      "default_rl" : 123,
      "icmp_rl" : 123
    "mcache_store_out_enabled" : true,
    "mcache_enabled" : true,
    "se_auth_ldap_reconnect_timeout" : 123,
    "flow_table_new_syn_max_entries" : 123,
    "log_agent_file_sz_debug" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_bind_timeout" : 123,
    "dupip_timeout_count" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_conn_life_tmo" : 123,
    "persistence_mem_max" : 123,
    "upstream_read_timeout" : 123,
    "mcache_store_se_max_size" : 123456789,
    "log_agent_max_logmessage_proto_sz" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_conn_max_reuse" : 123,
    "log_agent_conn_send_buffer_size" : 123,
    "lbaction_rq_per_request_max_retries" : 123,
    "persistence_entries_low_watermark" : 123,
    "http_rum_console_log" : true,
    "upstream_connpool_server_max_cache" : 123,
    "service_port_ranges" : [ {
      "start" : 123,
      "end" : 123
    } ],
    "mcache_fetch_enabled" : true,
    "log_agent_min_storage_per_vs" : 123,
    "se_dp_vnic_queue_stall_threshold" : 123,
    "se_memory_poison" : true,
    "se_dp_log_udf_enqueue_percent" : 123,
    "connections_udfnf_log_rate_limiter_threshold" : 123,
    "se_hb_persist_fudge_bits" : 123,
    "log_agent_file_sz_appl" : 123,
    "tcp_syn_cache_max" : 123,
    "log_agent_export_wait_time" : 123,
    "se_dp_vnic_restart_on_queue_stall_count" : 123,
    "disable_gro" : true,
    "dupip_frequency" : 123,
    "log_agent_sleep_interval" : 123,
    "se_metrics_rt_interval" : 123,
    "se_packet_buffer_max" : 123,
    "ngx_free_connection_stack" : true,
    "enable_hsm_log" : true,
    "baremetal_dispatcher_handles_flows" : true,
    "upstream_connpool_cache_thresh" : 123,
    "dos_profile" : {
      "thresh_period" : 123,
      "thresh_info" : [ {
        "min_value" : 123,
        "attack" : "aeiou",
        "max_value" : 123
      } ]
    "user_defined_metric_age" : 123,
    "disable_flow_probes" : true,
    "downstream_send_timeout" : 123,
    "upstream_send_timeout" : 123,
    "global_mtu" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_conn_idle_thresh_tmo" : 123,
    "log_agent_max_storage_ignore_percent" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
    "se_auth_ldap_connect_timeout" : 123,
    "mcache_store_in_enabled" : true,
    "lb_batch_push_frequency" : 123,
    "app_headers" : [ {
      "hdr_name" : "aeiou",
      "hdr_string_op" : "aeiou",
      "hdr_match_case" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "log_agent_file_sz_conn" : 123,
    "log_agent_unknown_vs_timer" : 123,
    "se_mac_error_threshold_to_disable_promiscious" : 123,
    "se_dp_if_state_poll_interval" : 123,
    "se_dp_hm_drops" : 123,
    "service_ip_subnets" : [ {
      "ip_addr" : {
        "addr" : "aeiou",
        "type" : "aeiou"
      "mask" : 123
    } ],
    "upstream_connpool_core_max_cache" : 123,
    "tcp_syncache_max_retransmit_default" : 123,
    "spdy_fwd_proxy_parse_enable" : true,
    "upstream_connect_timeout" : 123,
    "flow_table_max_entries_deprecated" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_servers_failover_only" : true,
    "se_dp_vnic_queue_stall_timeout" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_enable" : true,
    "se_auth_ldap_request_timeout" : 123,
    "log_agent_compress_logs" : true,
    "lbaction_num_requests_to_dispatch" : 123
  "se_agent_properties" : {
    "debug_mode" : true,
    "controller_echo_rpc_aggressive_timeout" : 123,
    "states_flush_interval" : 123,
    "ns_helper_deq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "dp_deq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "dp_max_wait_rsp_time_sec" : 123,
    "vnic_rpc_retry_interval" : 123,
    "controller_heartbeat_miss_limit" : 123,
    "seagent_statecache_properties" : {
      "sc_state_ring_batch_dequeue_limit" : 123,
      "sc_stream_check_interval" : 123,
      "sc_thread_sleep_interval" : 123,
      "sc_shard_cleanup_max_time" : 123,
      "sc_states_flush_interval" : 123,
      "sc_thread_q_max_size" : 123,
      "sc_dns_q_batch_dequeue_limit" : 123,
      "sc_batch_buffer_flush_limit" : 123,
      "sc_dns_q_max_size" : 123,
      "sc_thread_q_batch_dequeue_limit" : 123
    "controller_echo_miss_aggressive_limit" : 123,
    "vnic_probe_interval" : 123,
    "vnic_dhcp_ip_check_interval" : 123,
    "headless_timeout_sec" : 123,
    "sdb_pipeline_size" : 123,
    "cpustats_interval" : 123,
    "controller_rpc_timeout" : 123,
    "ctrl_reg_pending_max_wait_time" : 123,
    "dp_enq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "controller_heartbeat_timeout_sec" : 123,
    "dp_reg_pending_max_wait_time" : 123,
    "ignore_docker_mac_change" : true,
    "sdb_flush_interval" : 123,
    "send_se_ready_timeout" : 123,
    "dp_aggressive_deq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "vnic_dhcp_ip_max_retries" : 123,
    "dp_aggressive_enq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "controller_echo_miss_limit" : 123,
    "dp_batch_size" : 123,
    "vnic_ip_delete_interval" : 123,
    "vnicdb_cmd_history_size" : 123,
    "controller_registration_timeout_sec" : 123,
    "sdb_scan_count" : 123,
    "controller_echo_rpc_timeout" : 123,
    "se_grp_change_disruptive" : true
  "uuid" : "aeiou",
  "url" : "aeiou",
  "_last_modified" : "aeiou"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK SeProperties


log in failed

patch /seproperties


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — SeProperties object creation

Query parameters

name (optional)
Query Parameter — object name

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "se_bootup_properties" : {
    "se_log_buffer_chunk_count" : 123,
    "log_agent_trace_enabled" : true,
    "se_dp_compression" : {
      "window_size" : 123,
      "buf_size" : 123,
      "hash_size" : 123,
      "buf_num" : 123,
      "level_aggressive" : 123,
      "level_normal" : 123
    "se_lro" : 123,
    "se_rum_sampling_res_interval" : 123,
    "se_rum_sampling_res_percent" : 123,
    "se_tunnel_mode" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_conn_blocking_dequeue" : true,
    "se_emulated_cores" : 123,
    "l7_resvd_listen_conns_per_core" : 123,
    "se_pcap_pkt_sz" : 123,
    "se_rum_sampling_nav_interval" : 123,
    "se_dpdk_pmd" : 123,
    "ssl_sess_cache_timeout" : 123,
    "log_agent_debug_enabled" : true,
    "se_ip_encap_ipc" : 123,
    "docker_backend_portstart" : 123,
    "se_l3_encap_ipc" : 123,
    "fair_queueing_enabled" : true,
    "l7_conns_per_core" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_events_blocking_dequeue" : true,
    "ssl_sess_cache_per_vs" : 123,
    "se_pcap_pkt_count" : 123,
    "docker_backend_portend" : 123,
    "geo_db_granularity" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_app_blocking_dequeue" : true,
    "se_use_dpdk" : 123,
    "distribute_queues" : true,
    "distribute_vnics" : true,
    "tcp_syncache_hashsize" : 123,
    "se_rum_sampling_nav_percent" : 123,
    "se_tx_batch_size" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_connlog_size" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_applog_size" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_events_size" : 123
  "se_runtime_properties" : {
    "admin_ssh_enabled" : true,
    "dp_hb_frequency" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_cache_size" : 123,
    "max_throughput" : 123,
    "se_metrics_rt_enabled" : true,
    "lb_fail_max_time" : 123,
    "se_dump_core_on_assert" : true,
    "se_dp_log_nf_enqueue_percent" : 123,
    "connections_lossy_log_rate_limiter_threshold" : 123,
    "scaleout_udp_per_pkt" : true,
    "services_accessible_all_interfaces" : true,
    "mcache_store_in_min_size" : 123,
    "log_agent_pause_interval" : 123,
    "se_handle_interface_routes" : true,
    "feproxy_vips_enable_proxy_arp" : true,
    "http_rum_min_content_length" : 123,
    "mcache_store_in_max_size" : 123,
    "log_agent_file_sz_event" : 123,
    "log_message_max_file_list_size" : 123,
    "dp_aggressive_hb_timeout_count" : 123,
    "dp_aggressive_hb_frequency" : 123,
    "mcache_max_cache_size" : 123456789,
    "log_agent_log_storage_min_sz" : 123,
    "se_malloc_thresh" : 123,
    "upstream_keepalive" : true,
    "se_dp_compression" : {
      "max_low_rtt" : 123,
      "min_high_rtt" : 123,
      "min_length" : 123,
      "mobile_str" : [ "aeiou" ]
    "dp_hb_timeout_count" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_conns_per_server" : 123,
    "log_agent_export_msg_buffer_size" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_conn_idle_tmo" : 123,
    "disable_tso" : true,
    "log_agent_max_storage_excess_percent" : 123,
    "se_random_tcp_drops" : true,
    "log_agent_max_concurrent_rsync" : 123,
    "se_metrics_interval" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_strategy" : 123,
    "log_agent_max_active_adf_files_per_vs" : 123,
    "se_dp_vnic_queue_stall_event_sleep" : 123,
    "se_dp_vnic_stall_se_restart_window" : 123,
    "flow_table_batch_push_frequency" : 123,
    "se_rate_limiters" : {
      "icmp_rsp_rl" : 123,
      "rst_rl" : 123,
      "arp_rl" : 123,
      "flow_probe_rl" : 123,
      "default_rl" : 123,
      "icmp_rl" : 123
    "mcache_store_out_enabled" : true,
    "mcache_enabled" : true,
    "se_auth_ldap_reconnect_timeout" : 123,
    "flow_table_new_syn_max_entries" : 123,
    "log_agent_file_sz_debug" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_bind_timeout" : 123,
    "dupip_timeout_count" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_conn_life_tmo" : 123,
    "persistence_mem_max" : 123,
    "upstream_read_timeout" : 123,
    "mcache_store_se_max_size" : 123456789,
    "log_agent_max_logmessage_proto_sz" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_conn_max_reuse" : 123,
    "log_agent_conn_send_buffer_size" : 123,
    "lbaction_rq_per_request_max_retries" : 123,
    "persistence_entries_low_watermark" : 123,
    "http_rum_console_log" : true,
    "upstream_connpool_server_max_cache" : 123,
    "service_port_ranges" : [ {
      "start" : 123,
      "end" : 123
    } ],
    "mcache_fetch_enabled" : true,
    "log_agent_min_storage_per_vs" : 123,
    "se_dp_vnic_queue_stall_threshold" : 123,
    "se_memory_poison" : true,
    "se_dp_log_udf_enqueue_percent" : 123,
    "connections_udfnf_log_rate_limiter_threshold" : 123,
    "se_hb_persist_fudge_bits" : 123,
    "log_agent_file_sz_appl" : 123,
    "tcp_syn_cache_max" : 123,
    "log_agent_export_wait_time" : 123,
    "se_dp_vnic_restart_on_queue_stall_count" : 123,
    "disable_gro" : true,
    "dupip_frequency" : 123,
    "log_agent_sleep_interval" : 123,
    "se_metrics_rt_interval" : 123,
    "se_packet_buffer_max" : 123,
    "ngx_free_connection_stack" : true,
    "enable_hsm_log" : true,
    "baremetal_dispatcher_handles_flows" : true,
    "upstream_connpool_cache_thresh" : 123,
    "dos_profile" : {
      "thresh_period" : 123,
      "thresh_info" : [ {
        "min_value" : 123,
        "attack" : "aeiou",
        "max_value" : 123
      } ]
    "user_defined_metric_age" : 123,
    "disable_flow_probes" : true,
    "downstream_send_timeout" : 123,
    "upstream_send_timeout" : 123,
    "global_mtu" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_conn_idle_thresh_tmo" : 123,
    "log_agent_max_storage_ignore_percent" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
    "se_auth_ldap_connect_timeout" : 123,
    "mcache_store_in_enabled" : true,
    "lb_batch_push_frequency" : 123,
    "app_headers" : [ {
      "hdr_name" : "aeiou",
      "hdr_string_op" : "aeiou",
      "hdr_match_case" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "log_agent_file_sz_conn" : 123,
    "log_agent_unknown_vs_timer" : 123,
    "se_mac_error_threshold_to_disable_promiscious" : 123,
    "se_dp_if_state_poll_interval" : 123,
    "se_dp_hm_drops" : 123,
    "service_ip_subnets" : [ {
      "ip_addr" : {
        "addr" : "aeiou",
        "type" : "aeiou"
      "mask" : 123
    } ],
    "upstream_connpool_core_max_cache" : 123,
    "tcp_syncache_max_retransmit_default" : 123,
    "spdy_fwd_proxy_parse_enable" : true,
    "upstream_connect_timeout" : 123,
    "flow_table_max_entries_deprecated" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_servers_failover_only" : true,
    "se_dp_vnic_queue_stall_timeout" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_enable" : true,
    "se_auth_ldap_request_timeout" : 123,
    "log_agent_compress_logs" : true,
    "lbaction_num_requests_to_dispatch" : 123
  "se_agent_properties" : {
    "debug_mode" : true,
    "controller_echo_rpc_aggressive_timeout" : 123,
    "states_flush_interval" : 123,
    "ns_helper_deq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "dp_deq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "dp_max_wait_rsp_time_sec" : 123,
    "vnic_rpc_retry_interval" : 123,
    "controller_heartbeat_miss_limit" : 123,
    "seagent_statecache_properties" : {
      "sc_state_ring_batch_dequeue_limit" : 123,
      "sc_stream_check_interval" : 123,
      "sc_thread_sleep_interval" : 123,
      "sc_shard_cleanup_max_time" : 123,
      "sc_states_flush_interval" : 123,
      "sc_thread_q_max_size" : 123,
      "sc_dns_q_batch_dequeue_limit" : 123,
      "sc_batch_buffer_flush_limit" : 123,
      "sc_dns_q_max_size" : 123,
      "sc_thread_q_batch_dequeue_limit" : 123
    "controller_echo_miss_aggressive_limit" : 123,
    "vnic_probe_interval" : 123,
    "vnic_dhcp_ip_check_interval" : 123,
    "headless_timeout_sec" : 123,
    "sdb_pipeline_size" : 123,
    "cpustats_interval" : 123,
    "controller_rpc_timeout" : 123,
    "ctrl_reg_pending_max_wait_time" : 123,
    "dp_enq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "controller_heartbeat_timeout_sec" : 123,
    "dp_reg_pending_max_wait_time" : 123,
    "ignore_docker_mac_change" : true,
    "sdb_flush_interval" : 123,
    "send_se_ready_timeout" : 123,
    "dp_aggressive_deq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "vnic_dhcp_ip_max_retries" : 123,
    "dp_aggressive_enq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "controller_echo_miss_limit" : 123,
    "dp_batch_size" : 123,
    "vnic_ip_delete_interval" : 123,
    "vnicdb_cmd_history_size" : 123,
    "controller_registration_timeout_sec" : 123,
    "sdb_scan_count" : 123,
    "controller_echo_rpc_timeout" : 123,
    "se_grp_change_disruptive" : true
  "uuid" : "aeiou",
  "url" : "aeiou",
  "_last_modified" : "aeiou"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK SeProperties


log in failed

put /seproperties


This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type request header:

Request body

body (required)
Body Parameter — SeProperties object creation

Query parameters

name (optional)
Query Parameter — object name

Return type


Example data

Content-Type: application/json
  "se_bootup_properties" : {
    "se_log_buffer_chunk_count" : 123,
    "log_agent_trace_enabled" : true,
    "se_dp_compression" : {
      "window_size" : 123,
      "buf_size" : 123,
      "hash_size" : 123,
      "buf_num" : 123,
      "level_aggressive" : 123,
      "level_normal" : 123
    "se_lro" : 123,
    "se_rum_sampling_res_interval" : 123,
    "se_rum_sampling_res_percent" : 123,
    "se_tunnel_mode" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_conn_blocking_dequeue" : true,
    "se_emulated_cores" : 123,
    "l7_resvd_listen_conns_per_core" : 123,
    "se_pcap_pkt_sz" : 123,
    "se_rum_sampling_nav_interval" : 123,
    "se_dpdk_pmd" : 123,
    "ssl_sess_cache_timeout" : 123,
    "log_agent_debug_enabled" : true,
    "se_ip_encap_ipc" : 123,
    "docker_backend_portstart" : 123,
    "se_l3_encap_ipc" : 123,
    "fair_queueing_enabled" : true,
    "l7_conns_per_core" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_events_blocking_dequeue" : true,
    "ssl_sess_cache_per_vs" : 123,
    "se_pcap_pkt_count" : 123,
    "docker_backend_portend" : 123,
    "geo_db_granularity" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_app_blocking_dequeue" : true,
    "se_use_dpdk" : 123,
    "distribute_queues" : true,
    "distribute_vnics" : true,
    "tcp_syncache_hashsize" : 123,
    "se_rum_sampling_nav_percent" : 123,
    "se_tx_batch_size" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_connlog_size" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_applog_size" : 123,
    "se_log_buffer_events_size" : 123
  "se_runtime_properties" : {
    "admin_ssh_enabled" : true,
    "dp_hb_frequency" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_cache_size" : 123,
    "max_throughput" : 123,
    "se_metrics_rt_enabled" : true,
    "lb_fail_max_time" : 123,
    "se_dump_core_on_assert" : true,
    "se_dp_log_nf_enqueue_percent" : 123,
    "connections_lossy_log_rate_limiter_threshold" : 123,
    "scaleout_udp_per_pkt" : true,
    "services_accessible_all_interfaces" : true,
    "mcache_store_in_min_size" : 123,
    "log_agent_pause_interval" : 123,
    "se_handle_interface_routes" : true,
    "feproxy_vips_enable_proxy_arp" : true,
    "http_rum_min_content_length" : 123,
    "mcache_store_in_max_size" : 123,
    "log_agent_file_sz_event" : 123,
    "log_message_max_file_list_size" : 123,
    "dp_aggressive_hb_timeout_count" : 123,
    "dp_aggressive_hb_frequency" : 123,
    "mcache_max_cache_size" : 123456789,
    "log_agent_log_storage_min_sz" : 123,
    "se_malloc_thresh" : 123,
    "upstream_keepalive" : true,
    "se_dp_compression" : {
      "max_low_rtt" : 123,
      "min_high_rtt" : 123,
      "min_length" : 123,
      "mobile_str" : [ "aeiou" ]
    "dp_hb_timeout_count" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_conns_per_server" : 123,
    "log_agent_export_msg_buffer_size" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_conn_idle_tmo" : 123,
    "disable_tso" : true,
    "log_agent_max_storage_excess_percent" : 123,
    "se_random_tcp_drops" : true,
    "log_agent_max_concurrent_rsync" : 123,
    "se_metrics_interval" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_strategy" : 123,
    "log_agent_max_active_adf_files_per_vs" : 123,
    "se_dp_vnic_queue_stall_event_sleep" : 123,
    "se_dp_vnic_stall_se_restart_window" : 123,
    "flow_table_batch_push_frequency" : 123,
    "se_rate_limiters" : {
      "icmp_rsp_rl" : 123,
      "rst_rl" : 123,
      "arp_rl" : 123,
      "flow_probe_rl" : 123,
      "default_rl" : 123,
      "icmp_rl" : 123
    "mcache_store_out_enabled" : true,
    "mcache_enabled" : true,
    "se_auth_ldap_reconnect_timeout" : 123,
    "flow_table_new_syn_max_entries" : 123,
    "log_agent_file_sz_debug" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_bind_timeout" : 123,
    "dupip_timeout_count" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_conn_life_tmo" : 123,
    "persistence_mem_max" : 123,
    "upstream_read_timeout" : 123,
    "mcache_store_se_max_size" : 123456789,
    "log_agent_max_logmessage_proto_sz" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_conn_max_reuse" : 123,
    "log_agent_conn_send_buffer_size" : 123,
    "lbaction_rq_per_request_max_retries" : 123,
    "persistence_entries_low_watermark" : 123,
    "http_rum_console_log" : true,
    "upstream_connpool_server_max_cache" : 123,
    "service_port_ranges" : [ {
      "start" : 123,
      "end" : 123
    } ],
    "mcache_fetch_enabled" : true,
    "log_agent_min_storage_per_vs" : 123,
    "se_dp_vnic_queue_stall_threshold" : 123,
    "se_memory_poison" : true,
    "se_dp_log_udf_enqueue_percent" : 123,
    "connections_udfnf_log_rate_limiter_threshold" : 123,
    "se_hb_persist_fudge_bits" : 123,
    "log_agent_file_sz_appl" : 123,
    "tcp_syn_cache_max" : 123,
    "log_agent_export_wait_time" : 123,
    "se_dp_vnic_restart_on_queue_stall_count" : 123,
    "disable_gro" : true,
    "dupip_frequency" : 123,
    "log_agent_sleep_interval" : 123,
    "se_metrics_rt_interval" : 123,
    "se_packet_buffer_max" : 123,
    "ngx_free_connection_stack" : true,
    "enable_hsm_log" : true,
    "baremetal_dispatcher_handles_flows" : true,
    "upstream_connpool_cache_thresh" : 123,
    "dos_profile" : {
      "thresh_period" : 123,
      "thresh_info" : [ {
        "min_value" : 123,
        "attack" : "aeiou",
        "max_value" : 123
      } ]
    "user_defined_metric_age" : 123,
    "disable_flow_probes" : true,
    "downstream_send_timeout" : 123,
    "upstream_send_timeout" : 123,
    "global_mtu" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_conn_idle_thresh_tmo" : 123,
    "log_agent_max_storage_ignore_percent" : 1.3579000000000001069366817318950779736042022705078125,
    "se_auth_ldap_connect_timeout" : 123,
    "mcache_store_in_enabled" : true,
    "lb_batch_push_frequency" : 123,
    "app_headers" : [ {
      "hdr_name" : "aeiou",
      "hdr_string_op" : "aeiou",
      "hdr_match_case" : "aeiou"
    } ],
    "log_agent_file_sz_conn" : 123,
    "log_agent_unknown_vs_timer" : 123,
    "se_mac_error_threshold_to_disable_promiscious" : 123,
    "se_dp_if_state_poll_interval" : 123,
    "se_dp_hm_drops" : 123,
    "service_ip_subnets" : [ {
      "ip_addr" : {
        "addr" : "aeiou",
        "type" : "aeiou"
      "mask" : 123
    } ],
    "upstream_connpool_core_max_cache" : 123,
    "tcp_syncache_max_retransmit_default" : 123,
    "spdy_fwd_proxy_parse_enable" : true,
    "upstream_connect_timeout" : 123,
    "flow_table_max_entries_deprecated" : 123,
    "se_auth_ldap_servers_failover_only" : true,
    "se_dp_vnic_queue_stall_timeout" : 123,
    "upstream_connpool_enable" : true,
    "se_auth_ldap_request_timeout" : 123,
    "log_agent_compress_logs" : true,
    "lbaction_num_requests_to_dispatch" : 123
  "se_agent_properties" : {
    "debug_mode" : true,
    "controller_echo_rpc_aggressive_timeout" : 123,
    "states_flush_interval" : 123,
    "ns_helper_deq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "dp_deq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "dp_max_wait_rsp_time_sec" : 123,
    "vnic_rpc_retry_interval" : 123,
    "controller_heartbeat_miss_limit" : 123,
    "seagent_statecache_properties" : {
      "sc_state_ring_batch_dequeue_limit" : 123,
      "sc_stream_check_interval" : 123,
      "sc_thread_sleep_interval" : 123,
      "sc_shard_cleanup_max_time" : 123,
      "sc_states_flush_interval" : 123,
      "sc_thread_q_max_size" : 123,
      "sc_dns_q_batch_dequeue_limit" : 123,
      "sc_batch_buffer_flush_limit" : 123,
      "sc_dns_q_max_size" : 123,
      "sc_thread_q_batch_dequeue_limit" : 123
    "controller_echo_miss_aggressive_limit" : 123,
    "vnic_probe_interval" : 123,
    "vnic_dhcp_ip_check_interval" : 123,
    "headless_timeout_sec" : 123,
    "sdb_pipeline_size" : 123,
    "cpustats_interval" : 123,
    "controller_rpc_timeout" : 123,
    "ctrl_reg_pending_max_wait_time" : 123,
    "dp_enq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "controller_heartbeat_timeout_sec" : 123,
    "dp_reg_pending_max_wait_time" : 123,
    "ignore_docker_mac_change" : true,
    "sdb_flush_interval" : 123,
    "send_se_ready_timeout" : 123,
    "dp_aggressive_deq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "vnic_dhcp_ip_max_retries" : 123,
    "dp_aggressive_enq_interval_msec" : 123,
    "controller_echo_miss_limit" : 123,
    "dp_batch_size" : 123,
    "vnic_ip_delete_interval" : 123,
    "vnicdb_cmd_history_size" : 123,
    "controller_registration_timeout_sec" : 123,
    "sdb_scan_count" : 123,
    "controller_echo_rpc_timeout" : 123,
    "se_grp_change_disruptive" : true
  "uuid" : "aeiou",
  "url" : "aeiou",
  "_last_modified" : "aeiou"


This API call produces the following media types according to the Accept request header; the media type will be conveyed by the Content-Type response header.



OK SeProperties


log in failed



[ Jump to Methods ]

Table of Contents

  1. AppHdr
  2. DosThreshold
  3. DosThresholdProfile
  4. IpAddr
  5. IpAddrPrefix
  6. PortRange
  7. SeAgentProperties
  8. SeAgentStateCacheProperties
  9. SeBootupCompressionProperties
  10. SeBootupProperties
  11. SeProperties
  12. SePropertiesApiResponse
  13. SeRateLimiters
  14. SeRuntimeCompressionProperties
  15. SeRuntimeProperties

AppHdr Up

String Enum options - SENSITIVE, INSENSITIVE.
String hdr_name of AppHdr.

DosThreshold Up

Integer Maximum number of packets or connections or requests in a given interval of time to be deemed as attack. format: int32
Integer Minimum number of packets or connections or requests in a given interval of time to be deemed as attack. format: int32

DosThresholdProfile Up

thresh_info (optional)
array[DosThreshold] Attack type, min and max values for DoS attack detection.
Integer Timer value in seconds to collect DoS attack metrics based on threshold on the Service Engine for this Virtual Service. Unit is SEC. format: int32

IpAddr Up

String IP address.
String Enum options - V4, DNS, V6.

IpAddrPrefix Up

IpAddr Placeholder for description of property ip_addr of obj type IpAddrPrefix field type str type object
Integer Number of mask. format: int32

PortRange Up

Integer TCP/UDP port range end (inclusive). Allowed values are 1-65535. format: int32
Integer TCP/UDP port range start (inclusive). Allowed values are 1-65535. format: int32

SeAgentProperties Up

controller_echo_miss_aggressive_limit (optional)
Integer Aggressive Count of HB misses for se health check failure. Allowed values are 1-1000. format: int32
controller_echo_miss_limit (optional)
Integer Count of HB misses for se health check failure. Allowed values are 1-1000. format: int32
controller_echo_rpc_aggressive_timeout (optional)
Integer Aggressive Timeout used for se health check. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
controller_echo_rpc_timeout (optional)
Integer Timeout used for se health check. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
controller_heartbeat_miss_limit (optional)
Integer Allowed values are 1-20. format: int32
controller_heartbeat_timeout_sec (optional)
Integer Allowed values are 1-60. Unit is SEC. format: int32
controller_registration_timeout_sec (optional)
Integer Unit is SEC. format: int32
controller_rpc_timeout (optional)
Integer Unit is SEC. format: int32
cpustats_interval (optional)
Integer Unit is SEC. format: int32
ctrl_reg_pending_max_wait_time (optional)
Integer Max time to wait for ctrl registration before assert. Allowed values are 1-1000. Unit is SEC. format: int32
debug_mode (optional)
Boolean Placeholder for description of property debug_mode of obj type SeAgentProperties field type str type boolean
dp_aggressive_deq_interval_msec (optional)
Integer Allowed values are 1-1000. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
dp_aggressive_enq_interval_msec (optional)
Integer Allowed values are 1-1000. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
dp_batch_size (optional)
Integer Number of dp_batch_size. format: int32
dp_deq_interval_msec (optional)
Integer Allowed values are 1-1000. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
dp_enq_interval_msec (optional)
Integer Allowed values are 1-1000. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
dp_max_wait_rsp_time_sec (optional)
Integer Unit is SEC. format: int32
dp_reg_pending_max_wait_time (optional)
Integer Max time to wait for dp registration before assert. Unit is SEC. format: int32
headless_timeout_sec (optional)
Integer Unit is SEC. format: int32
ignore_docker_mac_change (optional)
Boolean Placeholder for description of property ignore_docker_mac_change of obj type SeAgentProperties field type str type boolean
ns_helper_deq_interval_msec (optional)
Integer Dequeue interval for receive queue from NS HELPER. Allowed values are 1-1000. Field introduced in 17.2.13, 18.1.3, 18.2.1. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
sdb_flush_interval (optional)
Integer SDB pipeline flush interval. Allowed values are 1-10000. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
sdb_pipeline_size (optional)
Integer SDB pipeline size. Allowed values are 1-10000. format: int32
sdb_scan_count (optional)
Integer SDB scan count. Allowed values are 1-1000. format: int32
se_grp_change_disruptive (optional)
Boolean Internal flag used to decide if SE restart is needed,when the se-group is changed. Field introduced in 18.2.3.
seagent_statecache_properties (optional)
SeAgentStateCacheProperties SeAgent properties for State Cache functionality. Field introduced in 18.2.5.
send_se_ready_timeout (optional)
Integer Timeout for sending SE_READY without NS HELPER registration completion. Allowed values are 10-600. Field introduced in 17.2.13, 18.1.3, 18.2.1. Unit is SECONDS. format: int32
states_flush_interval (optional)
Integer Interval for update of operational states to controller. Allowed values are 1-10000. Field introduced in 18.2.1, 17.2.14, 18.1.5. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
vnic_dhcp_ip_check_interval (optional)
Integer DHCP ip check interval. Allowed values are 1-1000. Unit is SEC. format: int32
vnic_dhcp_ip_max_retries (optional)
Integer DHCP ip max retries. format: int32
vnic_ip_delete_interval (optional)
Integer wait interval before deleting IP. Unit is SEC. format: int32
vnic_probe_interval (optional)
Integer Probe vnic interval. Unit is SEC. format: int32
vnic_rpc_retry_interval (optional)
Integer Time interval for retrying the failed VNIC RPC requests. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Unit is SEC. format: int32
vnicdb_cmd_history_size (optional)
Integer Size of vnicdb command history. Allowed values are 0-65535. Field introduced in 18.2.3. format: int32

SeAgentStateCacheProperties Up

sc_batch_buffer_flush_limit (optional)
Integer Max elements to flush in one shot from the internal buffer by the statecache thread. Allowed values are 1-10000. Field introduced in 18.2.5. format: int32
sc_dns_q_batch_dequeue_limit (optional)
Integer Max elements to dequeue in one shot from the Q by the statecache thread. Allowed values are 1-10000. Field introduced in 20.1.5. format: int32
sc_dns_q_max_size (optional)
Integer Max elements in the dns queue between seagent main and the statecache thread. Allowed values are 1-10000. Field introduced in 20.1.5. format: int32
sc_shard_cleanup_max_time (optional)
Integer Max time to wait by the statecache thread before cleaning up connection to the controller shard. Allowed values are 1-1000000. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Unit is SECONDS. format: int32
sc_state_ring_batch_dequeue_limit (optional)
Integer Max elements to dequeue in one shot from the state_ring by the statecache thread. Allowed values are 1-10000. Field introduced in 18.2.5. format: int32
sc_states_flush_interval (optional)
Integer Interval for update of operational states to controller. Allowed values are 1-10000. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
sc_stream_check_interval (optional)
Integer Interval for checking health of grpc streams to statecache_mgr. Allowed values are 1-90000. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
sc_thread_q_batch_dequeue_limit (optional)
Integer Max elements to dequeue in one shot from the Q by the statecache thread. Allowed values are 1-10000. Field introduced in 18.2.5. format: int32
sc_thread_q_max_size (optional)
Integer Max elements in the Q between seagent main and the statecache thread. Allowed values are 1-10000. Field introduced in 18.2.5. format: int32
sc_thread_sleep_interval (optional)
Integer Interval for grpc thread to sleep between doing work. Allowed values are 1-10000. Field introduced in 18.2.5. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32

SeBootupCompressionProperties Up

buf_num (optional)
Integer Number of buffers to use for compression output. format: int32
buf_size (optional)
Integer Size of each buffer used for compression output, this should ideally be a multiple of pagesize. format: int32
hash_size (optional)
Integer hash size used by compression, rounded to the last power of 2. format: int32
level_aggressive (optional)
Integer Level of compression to apply on content selected for aggressive compression. format: int32
level_normal (optional)
Integer Level of compression to apply on content selected for normal compression. format: int32
window_size (optional)
Integer window size used by compression, rounded to the last power of 2. format: int32

SeBootupProperties Up

distribute_queues (optional)
Boolean Deprecated. Field deprecated in 17.2.8. Field introduced in 17.1.1.
distribute_vnics (optional)
Boolean Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.5.
docker_backend_portend (optional)
Integer End of the Local TCP port range used by SE for backend connections in docker environment. format: int32
docker_backend_portstart (optional)
Integer Start of the Local TCP port range used by SE for backend connections in docker environment. format: int32
fair_queueing_enabled (optional)
Boolean Enable or disable fair queueing for packet transmission among virtualservices on an SE.
geo_db_granularity (optional)
Integer Granularity or Resolution of co-ordinates used. When the value is 1 the co-ordinates provided in the geo-db are used as is (highest resolution.This value provides a 'zoom-out' value so that coarser co-ordinates are used. With higher resolution, logs can contain finer location information. But, lower resolution provides significant memory and cpu benefits on the service engine. Besides, given a smaller number of members that are separated geographically, a lower resolution is sufficient for correct load-balancing. Allowed values are 1-20. Field introduced in 17.1.1. Allowed in Basic(Allowed values- 1) edition, Essentials(Allowed values- 1) edition, Enterprise edition. format: int32
l7_conns_per_core (optional)
Integer Number of L7 connections that can be cached per core. format: int32
l7_resvd_listen_conns_per_core (optional)
Integer Number of reserved L7 listener connections per core. format: int32
log_agent_debug_enabled (optional)
Boolean Enable debug logs by default on Service Engine. This includes all other debugging logs. Debug logs can also be explcitly enabled from the CLI shell.
log_agent_trace_enabled (optional)
Boolean Enable trace logs by default on Service Engine. Configuration operations are logged along with other important logs by Service Engine.
se_dp_compression (optional)
SeBootupCompressionProperties Placeholder for description of property se_dp_compression of obj type SeBootupProperties field type str type object
se_dpdk_pmd (optional)
Integer This field has been moved to se_group properties 18.1.2 onwards. Field deprecated in 18.1.3. format: int32
se_emulated_cores (optional)
Integer Use this to emulate more/less cpus than is actually available. One datapath process is started for each core. Allowed in Basic(Allowed values- 0) edition, Essentials(Allowed values- 0) edition, Enterprise edition. format: int32
se_ip_encap_ipc (optional)
Integer Determines if SE-SE IPC messages are encapsulated in an IP header Note This field has been moved to se_group properties 20.1.3 onwards. 0 Automatically determine based on hypervisor type 1 Use IP encap unconditionally ~[0,1] Don't use IP encap. format: int32
se_l3_encap_ipc (optional)
Integer Determines if SE-SE IPC messages use SE interface IP instead of VIP Note This field has been moved to se_group properties 20.1.3 onwards. 0 Automatically determine based on hypervisor type 1 Use SE interface IP unconditionally ~[0,1] Don't use SE interface IP. format: int32
se_log_buffer_app_blocking_dequeue (optional)
Boolean Internal flag that blocks dataplane until all application logs are flushed to log-agent process.
se_log_buffer_applog_size (optional)
Integer Internal application log buffer size to use on Service Engine. Can be fine tuned for better performance of data plane in specific environments. Unit is WORD. format: int32
se_log_buffer_chunk_count (optional)
Integer Number of internal buffer chunks to use on Service Engine. Can be fine tuned for better performance of data plane in specific environments. Unit is BYTES. format: int32
se_log_buffer_conn_blocking_dequeue (optional)
Boolean Internal flag that blocks dataplane until all connection logs are flushed to log-agent process.
se_log_buffer_connlog_size (optional)
Integer Internal connection log buffer size to use on Service Engine. Can be fine tuned for better performance of data plane in specific environments. Unit is WORD. format: int32
se_log_buffer_events_blocking_dequeue (optional)
Boolean Internal flag that blocks dataplane until all outstanding events are flushed to log-agent process.
se_log_buffer_events_size (optional)
Integer Internal events buffer size to use on Service Engine. Can be fine tuned for better performance of data plane in specific environments. Unit is WORD. format: int32
se_lro (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.5. format: int32
se_pcap_pkt_count (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.5. format: int32
se_pcap_pkt_sz (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.5. format: int32
se_rum_sampling_nav_interval (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.6. format: int32
se_rum_sampling_nav_percent (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.6. format: int32
se_rum_sampling_res_interval (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.6. format: int32
se_rum_sampling_res_percent (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.6. format: int32
se_tunnel_mode (optional)
Integer Determines if DSR from secondary SE is active or not 0 Automatically determine based on hypervisor type 1 Disable DSR unconditionally ~[0,1] Enable DSR unconditionally. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. format: int32
se_tx_batch_size (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.5. format: int32
se_use_dpdk (optional)
Integer This field has been moved to se_group properties 18.1.2 onwards. Field deprecated in 18.1.3. format: int32
ssl_sess_cache_per_vs (optional)
Integer Number of ssl_sess_cache_per_vs. format: int32
ssl_sess_cache_timeout (optional)
Integer Number of ssl_sess_cache_timeout. format: int32
tcp_syncache_hashsize (optional)
Integer Size of the TCP SYN cache hash table. format: int32

SeProperties Up

_last_modified (optional)
String UNIX time since epoch in microseconds. Units(MICROSECONDS).
se_agent_properties (optional)
SeAgentProperties Placeholder for description of property se_agent_properties of obj type SeProperties field type str type object
se_bootup_properties (optional)
SeBootupProperties Placeholder for description of property se_bootup_properties of obj type SeProperties field type str type object
se_runtime_properties (optional)
SeRuntimeProperties Placeholder for description of property se_runtime_properties of obj type SeProperties field type str type object
url (optional)
String url
uuid (optional)
String Unique object identifier of the object.

SePropertiesApiResponse Up

Integer format: int32
next (optional)

SeRateLimiters Up

arp_rl (optional)
Integer Rate limiter for ARP packets in pps. format: int32
default_rl (optional)
Integer Default Rate limiter in pps. format: int32
flow_probe_rl (optional)
Integer Rate limiter for number of flow probes in pps. format: int32
icmp_rl (optional)
Integer Rate limiter for ICMP requests in pps. format: int32
icmp_rsp_rl (optional)
Integer Rate limiter for ICMP response in pps. format: int32
rst_rl (optional)
Integer Rate limiter for number RST pkts sent in pps. format: int32

SeRuntimeCompressionProperties Up

max_low_rtt (optional)
Integer If client RTT is higher than this threshold, enable normal compression on the response. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
min_high_rtt (optional)
Integer If client RTT is higher than this threshold, enable aggressive compression on the response. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
min_length (optional)
Integer Minimum response content length to enable compression. format: int32
mobile_str (optional)
array[String] Values that identify mobile browsers in order to enable aggressive compression.

SeRuntimeProperties Up

admin_ssh_enabled (optional)
Boolean Allow admin user ssh access to SE. Field introduced in 18.2.5.
app_headers (optional)
array[AppHdr] Placeholder for description of property app_headers of obj type SeRuntimeProperties field type str type object
baremetal_dispatcher_handles_flows (optional)
Boolean Control if dispatcher core also handles TCP flows in baremetal SE.
connections_lossy_log_rate_limiter_threshold (optional)
Integer Rate limit on maximum adf lossy log to pushper second. Allowed in Basic(Allowed values- 1000) edition, Essentials(Allowed values- 1000) edition, Enterprise edition. format: int32
connections_udfnf_log_rate_limiter_threshold (optional)
Integer Rate limit on maximum adf udf or nf log to pushper second. Allowed in Basic(Allowed values- 1000) edition, Essentials(Allowed values- 1000) edition, Enterprise edition. format: int32
disable_flow_probes (optional)
Boolean Disable Flow Probes for Scaled out VS'es. (This field has been moved to se_group properties 20.1.3 onwards.). Field introduced in 17.1.1.
disable_gro (optional)
Boolean Deprecated. Field deprecated in 17.2.5. Field introduced in 17.2.1.
disable_tso (optional)
Boolean Deprecated. Field deprecated in 17.2.5. Field introduced in 17.2.4.
dos_profile (optional)
DosThresholdProfile Placeholder for description of property dos_profile of obj type SeRuntimeProperties field type str type object
downstream_send_timeout (optional)
Integer Timeout for downstream to become writable. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
dp_aggressive_hb_frequency (optional)
Integer Frequency of SE - SE HB messages when aggressive failure mode detection is enabled. (This field has been moved to se_group properties 20.1.3 onwards). Unit is MILLISECONDS. Allowed in Basic(Allowed values- 100) edition, Essentials(Allowed values- 100) edition, Enterprise edition. format: int32
dp_aggressive_hb_timeout_count (optional)
Integer Consecutive HB failures after which failure is reported to controller,when aggressive failure mode detection is enabled. (This field has been moved to se_group properties 20.1.3 onwards). Allowed in Basic(Allowed values- 10) edition, Essentials(Allowed values- 10) edition, Enterprise edition. format: int32
dp_hb_frequency (optional)
Integer Frequency of SE - SE HB messages when aggressive failure mode detection is not enabled. (This field has been moved to se_group properties 20.1.3 onwards). Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
dp_hb_timeout_count (optional)
Integer Consecutive HB failures after which failure is reported to controller, when aggressive failure mode detection is not enabled. (This field has been moved to se_group properties 20.1.3 onwards). format: int32
dupip_frequency (optional)
Integer Frequency of ARP requests sent by SE for each VIP to detect duplicate IP when it loses conectivity to controller. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
dupip_timeout_count (optional)
Integer Number of ARP responses received for the VIP after which SE decides that the VIP has been moved and disables the VIP. format: int32
enable_hsm_log (optional)
Boolean Enable HSM luna engine logs. Field introduced in 16.4.8, 17.1.11, 17.2.3.
feproxy_vips_enable_proxy_arp (optional)
Boolean Enable proxy ARP from Host interface for Front End proxies.
flow_table_batch_push_frequency (optional)
Integer How often to push the flow table IPC messages in the main loop. The value is the number of times through the loop before pushing the batch. i.e, a value of 1 means every time through the loop. format: int32
flow_table_max_entries_deprecated (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. format: int32
flow_table_new_syn_max_entries (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 17.2.5. format: int32
global_mtu (optional)
Integer Overrides the MTU value received via DHCP or some other means. Use this when the infrastructure advertises an MTU that is not supported by all devices in the network. For example, in AWS or when an overlay is used. format: int32
http_rum_console_log (optional)
Boolean Enable Javascript console logs on the client browser when collecting client insights. Allowed in Basic(Allowed values- false) edition, Essentials(Allowed values- false) edition, Enterprise edition.
http_rum_min_content_length (optional)
Integer Minimum response size content length to sample for client insights. Allowed in Basic(Allowed values- 64) edition, Essentials(Allowed values- 64) edition, Enterprise edition. format: int32
lb_batch_push_frequency (optional)
Integer How often to push the LB IPC messages in the main loop. The value is the number of times the loop has to run before pushing the batch. i.e, a value of 1 means the batch is pushed every time the loop runs. Field deprecated in 18.1.3. Field introduced in 17.2.8. format: int32
lb_fail_max_time (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Unit is SEC. format: int32
lbaction_num_requests_to_dispatch (optional)
Integer Number of requests to dispatch from the request queue at a regular interval. format: int32
lbaction_rq_per_request_max_retries (optional)
Integer Maximum retries per request in the request queue. format: int32
log_agent_compress_logs (optional)
Boolean Flag to indicate if log files are compressed upon full on the Service Engine.
log_agent_conn_send_buffer_size (optional)
Integer Log-agent test property used to simulate slow TCP connections. Unit is BYTES. format: int32
log_agent_export_msg_buffer_size (optional)
Integer Maximum size of data sent by log-agent to Controller over the TCP connection. Unit is BYTES. format: int32
log_agent_export_wait_time (optional)
Integer Time log-agent waits before sending data to the Controller. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
log_agent_file_sz_appl (optional)
Integer Maximum application log file size before rollover. format: int32
log_agent_file_sz_conn (optional)
Integer Maximum connection log file size before rollover. format: int32
log_agent_file_sz_debug (optional)
Integer Maximum debug log file size before rollover. format: int32
log_agent_file_sz_event (optional)
Integer Maximum event log file size before rollover. format: int32
log_agent_log_storage_min_sz (optional)
Integer Minimum storage allocated for logs irrespective of memory and cores. Unit is MB. format: int32
log_agent_max_active_adf_files_per_vs (optional)
Integer Maximum number of Virtual Service log files maintained for significant logs on the Service Engine. format: int32
log_agent_max_concurrent_rsync (optional)
Integer Maximum concurrent rsync requests initiated from log-agent to the Controller. format: int32
log_agent_max_logmessage_proto_sz (optional)
Integer Maximum size of serialized log message on the Service Engine. format: int32
log_agent_max_storage_excess_percent (optional)
Integer Excess percentage threshold of disk size to trigger cleanup of logs on the Service Engine. format: int32
log_agent_max_storage_ignore_percent (optional)
Float Maximum storage on the disk not allocated for logs on the Service Engine. format: float
log_agent_min_storage_per_vs (optional)
Integer Minimum storage allocated to any given VirtualService on the Service Engine. format: int32
log_agent_pause_interval (optional)
Integer Time interval log-agent pauses between logs obtained from the dataplane. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
log_agent_sleep_interval (optional)
Integer Internal timer to stall log-agent and prevent it from hogging CPU cycles on the Service Engine. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
log_agent_unknown_vs_timer (optional)
Integer Timeout to purge unknown Virtual Service logs from the Service Engine. Unit is SEC. format: int32
log_message_max_file_list_size (optional)
Integer Maximum number of file names in a log message. format: int32
max_throughput (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. Unit is MBPS. format: int32
mcache_enabled (optional)
Boolean enables mcache - controls fetch/store/store_out.
mcache_fetch_enabled (optional)
Boolean enables mcache_fetch.
mcache_max_cache_size (optional)
Long Use SE Group's app_cache_percent to set cache memory usage limit on SE. Field deprecated in 18.2.3. format: int64
mcache_store_in_enabled (optional)
Boolean enables mcache_store.
mcache_store_in_max_size (optional)
Integer max object size. format: int32
mcache_store_in_min_size (optional)
Integer min object size. format: int32
mcache_store_out_enabled (optional)
Boolean enables mcache_store_out.
mcache_store_se_max_size (optional)
Long Use SE Group's app_cache_percent to set cache memory usage limit on SE. Field deprecated in 18.2.3. format: int64
ngx_free_connection_stack (optional)
Boolean Placeholder for description of property ngx_free_connection_stack of obj type SeRuntimeProperties field type str type boolean
persistence_entries_low_watermark (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. format: int32
persistence_mem_max (optional)
Integer Maximum memory in bytes allocated for persistence entries. Allowed values are 0-33554432. format: int32
scaleout_udp_per_pkt (optional)
Boolean Enable punting of UDP packets from primary to other Service Engines. This applies to Virtual Services with Per-Packet Loadbalancing enabled.
se_auth_ldap_bind_timeout (optional)
Integer LDAP basicauth default bind timeout enforced on connections to LDAP server. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
se_auth_ldap_cache_size (optional)
Integer Size of LDAP basicauth credentials cache used on the dataplane. Unit is BYTES. format: int32
se_auth_ldap_connect_timeout (optional)
Integer LDAP basicauth default connection timeout enforced on connections to LDAP server. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
se_auth_ldap_conns_per_server (optional)
Integer Number of concurrent connections to LDAP server by a single basic auth LDAP process. format: int32
se_auth_ldap_reconnect_timeout (optional)
Integer LDAP basicauth default reconnect timeout enforced on connections to LDAP server. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
se_auth_ldap_request_timeout (optional)
Integer LDAP basicauth default login or group search request timeout enforced on connections to LDAP server. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
se_auth_ldap_servers_failover_only (optional)
Boolean LDAP basicauth uses multiple ldap servers in the event of a failover only.
se_dp_compression (optional)
SeRuntimeCompressionProperties Placeholder for description of property se_dp_compression of obj type SeRuntimeProperties field type str type object
se_dp_hm_drops (optional)
Integer Deprecated - This field has been moved to se_group properties 20.1.3 onwards. Internal only. Used to simulate SE - SE HB failure. format: int32
se_dp_if_state_poll_interval (optional)
Integer Number of jiffies between polling interface state. format: int32
se_dp_log_nf_enqueue_percent (optional)
Integer Internal buffer full indicator on the Service Engine beyond which the unfiltered logs are abandoned. format: int32
se_dp_log_udf_enqueue_percent (optional)
Integer Internal buffer full indicator on the Service Engine beyond which the user filtered logs are abandoned. format: int32
se_dp_vnic_queue_stall_event_sleep (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.5. Field introduced in 17.1.1. format: int32
se_dp_vnic_queue_stall_threshold (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.5. Field introduced in 17.1.1. format: int32
se_dp_vnic_queue_stall_timeout (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.5. Field introduced in 17.1.1. format: int32
se_dp_vnic_restart_on_queue_stall_count (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.5. Field introduced in 17.1.14, 17.2.5, 18.1.1. format: int32
se_dp_vnic_stall_se_restart_window (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.5. Field introduced in 17.1.14, 17.2.5, 18.1.1. format: int32
se_dump_core_on_assert (optional)
Boolean Enable core dump on assert. Field introduced in 18.1.3, 18.2.1.
se_handle_interface_routes (optional)
Boolean Accept/ignore interface routes (i.e, no next hop IP address).
se_hb_persist_fudge_bits (optional)
Integer Internal use only. Allowed values are 0-7. format: int32
se_mac_error_threshold_to_disable_promiscious (optional)
Integer Number of packets with wrong mac after which SE attempts to disable promiscious mode. format: int32
se_malloc_thresh (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 17.1.1. format: int32
se_memory_poison (optional)
Boolean Internal use only. Enables poisoning of freed memory blocks.
se_metrics_interval (optional)
Integer Internal use only. Frequency (ms) of metrics updates from SE to controller. Unit is MILLISECONDS. Allowed in Basic(Allowed values- 60000) edition, Essentials(Allowed values- 60000) edition, Enterprise edition. format: int32
se_metrics_rt_enabled (optional)
Boolean Internal use only. Enable or disable real time metrics irrespective of virtualservice or SE group configuration. Allowed in Basic(Allowed values- false) edition, Essentials(Allowed values- false) edition, Enterprise edition. Special default for Basic edition is false, Essentials edition is false, Enterprise is True.
se_metrics_rt_interval (optional)
Integer Internal use only. Frequency (ms) of realtime metrics updates from SE to controller. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
se_packet_buffer_max (optional)
Integer Internal use only. Used to artificially reduce the available number of packet buffers. format: int32
se_random_tcp_drops (optional)
Boolean Internal use only. If enabled, randomly packets are dropped.
se_rate_limiters (optional)
SeRateLimiters SE rate limiters.
service_ip_subnets (optional)
array[IpAddrPrefix] IP ranges on which there may be virtual services (for configuring iptables/routes). Maximum of 128 items allowed.
service_port_ranges (optional)
array[PortRange] Port ranges on which there may be virtual services (for configuring iptables). Applicable in container ecosystems like Mesos.
services_accessible_all_interfaces (optional)
Boolean Make service ports accessible on all Host interfaces in addition to East-West VIP and/or bridge IP.
spdy_fwd_proxy_parse_enable (optional)
Boolean Placeholder for description of property spdy_fwd_proxy_parse_enable of obj type SeRuntimeProperties field type str type boolean
tcp_syn_cache_max (optional)
Integer Maximum size of the SYN cache table. After this limit is reached, SYN cookies are used. This is per core of the serviceengine. Field deprecated in 17.2.5. format: int32
tcp_syncache_max_retransmit_default (optional)
Integer Default value for max number of retransmissions for a SYN packet. format: int32
upstream_connect_timeout (optional)
Integer Timeout for backend connection. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
upstream_connpool_cache_thresh (optional)
Integer L7 Upstream Connection pool cache threshold in percentage. format: int32
upstream_connpool_conn_idle_thresh_tmo (optional)
Integer Idle timeout value for a connection in the upstream connection pool, when the current cache size is above the threshold. format: int32
upstream_connpool_conn_idle_tmo (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.1. format: int32
upstream_connpool_conn_life_tmo (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.1. format: int32
upstream_connpool_conn_max_reuse (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.1. format: int32
upstream_connpool_core_max_cache (optional)
Integer L7 Upstream Connection pool max cache size per core. format: int32
upstream_connpool_enable (optional)
Boolean Enable upstream connection pool.
upstream_connpool_server_max_cache (optional)
Integer Deprecated. Field deprecated in 18.2.1. format: int32
upstream_connpool_strategy (optional)
Integer Number of upstream_connpool_strategy. format: int32
upstream_keepalive (optional)
Boolean Placeholder for description of property upstream_keepalive of obj type SeRuntimeProperties field type str type boolean
upstream_read_timeout (optional)
Integer Timeout for data to be received from backend. Unit is MILLISECONDS. format: int32
upstream_send_timeout (optional)
Integer Timeout for upstream to become writable. Unit is MILLISECONDS. Allowed in Basic(Allowed values- 3600000) edition, Essentials(Allowed values- 3600000) edition, Enterprise edition. format: int32
user_defined_metric_age (optional)
Integer Defines in seconds how long before an unused user-defined-metric is garbage collected. Field introduced in 17.1.5. Unit is SEC. format: int32