CLI: Virtual Service and Pool Creation

During virtual service creation, the virtual service has to point to a vsVIP and a pool, and the system expects both to exist already.
Create the following via the CLI:

  1. The pool
  2. The VsVIP
  3. The virtual service

Creating the Pool

Create the pool as shown below:

: > configure pool Test
: pool> servers ip port 80
: pool:servers> save
: pool> servers ip port 80
: pool:servers> save
: pool> where
Tenant: admin
| Field      | Value      |
| name       | Test       |
| servers[1] |            |
| ip         | |
| port       | 80         |
| servers[2] |            |
| ip         | |
| port       | 80         |
: pool> save


Creating the VsVIP

Create the virtual service VIP as shown below:

: > configure vsvip Test_vsVip
: vsvip> vip ip_address
: vsvip:vip> save
: vsvip> save

Creating the Virtual Service

Create the virtual service as shown below:

: > configure virtualservice Test_VS
: virtualservice> vsvip_ref Test_vsVip
: virtualservice> pool_ref Test
: virtualservice> services port 80
: virtualservice:services> save
: virtualservice> save

Note: The example in this article shows only the minimum configuration required to successfully deploy a new application. Many additional options are available for customizing virtual services and pools.