vCenter Cloud API - CLI


Starting with NSX Advanced Load Balancer version 22.1.1 release, to improve the vCenter cloud performance and to be able to deploy in large vCenter/ vSphere environments, the design adopted to store only relevant objects runtime instead of the earlier behavior of storing all objects runtime of configured datacenter.

This guide explains the API and CLI specifications that got added, updated or deprecated for vCenter Cloud due to the new implementation starting in 22.1.1.

Vcenter CLI Support/ API Endpoints added in 22.1.1

Functionality Added API/URI Added CLI
Display vCenter Content Libraries vimgrvcenterruntime/retrieve/contentlibraries show vinfra vcenter contentlibraries

vCenter CLI/ API or their parameters modified in 22.1.1

Action API/URI CLI path Modified Params
Spawn SE OLD: vimgrvcenterruntime
NEW: vimgrvcenterruntime/initiate/createse
OLD: vinfra spawn
NEW: No change
OLD: VICreateSEReq
NEW: cc_create_se_req
Delete SE OLD: vimgrvcenterruntime
NEW: vimgrvcenterruntime/initiate/deletese
OLD: vinfra remove
NEW: No change
OLD: VIDeleteSEReq
NEW: cc_delete_se_req
NEW: vimgrvcenterruntime/initiate/setmgmtip
OLD: vinfra mgmtip
NEW: No change
NEW: No change
Modify Mgmt IP OLD: NONE
NEW: vimgrvcenterruntime/initiate/modifymgmtip
OLD: vinfra modifymgmtip
NEW: No change
NEW: No change
NEW: vimgrvcenterruntime/initiate/addvnics
OLD: vinfra setvnic
NEW: vinfra addvnics
OLD: VISetvNicNwReq
NEW: cc_add_vnics_req
NEW: vimgrvcenterruntime/initiate/delvnics
OLD: vinfra modifyvnic
NEW: vinfra delvnics
OLD: VISetvNicNwReq
NEW: cc_del_vnics_req
Verify Login OLD: vimgrvcenterruntime/verify/login
NEW: No change
OLD: verifylogin vcenter
NEW: No change
OLD: vcenterLogin
NEW: CredParams

Note: OLD refers to any release prior to 22.1.1 version, NEW refers to 22.1.1 version release.

vCenter CLI/ API or parameter order change in 22.1.1

Object API/ URI CLI Path
Folders OLD: vimgrvcenterruntime/<key>/subfolders
NEW: vimgrvcenterruntime/subfolders/<key>
OLD: show vinfra vcenter <key> folders
NEW: show vinfra vcenter folders <key>
Datastore OLD: vimgrvcenterruntime/<key>/datastores
NEW: vimgrvcenterruntime/datastores/<key>
OLD: show vinfra vcenter <key> datastores
NEW: show vinfra vcenter datastores
Host Resource OLD: vimgrvcenterruntime/<key>/hostresources
NEW: vimgrvcenterruntime/hostresources/<key>
OLD: show vinfra vcenter <key> hostresources
NEW: show vinfra vcenter hostresources <key>
VMs in Subnet OLD: vimgrvcenterruntime/<key>/networksubnetvms
NEW: vimgrvcenterruntime/networksubnetvms/<key>
OLD: show vinfra vcenter <key> networksubnetvms
NEW: show vinfra vcenter networksubnetvms ><key>

Note: OLD refers to any release prior to 22.1.1 version, NEW refers to 22.1.1 version release.

vCenter CLI Support/ API Endpoints deprecated in 22.1.1

Functionality Deprecated API/URI Deprecated CLI
vCenter cloud Status vimgrvcenterruntime/vcenter/status vcenterstatus cloud
Get vCenter Networks vimgrvcenterruntime/<key>/getnetworks getnetworks vcenter <key>
SE VM creation progress vcenter/sevmcreateprogress show vcenter sevmcreateprogress
vCenter Redis status vimgrvcenterruntime/<key>/redis show vinfra vcenter redis <key>
Get Datacenter Runtime vimgrdcruntime show vinfra datacenter <key>
Get Controller Runtime vimgrcontrollerruntime show vinfra controller <key>
Add Fault Inject vimgrvcenterruntime/fault/inject faultinject vcenter
vCenter Runtime vimgrvcenterruntime/ show vinfra vcenter -<key->

Note: key refers to cloud-uuid.

Document Revision History

Date Change Summary
July 15, 2022 New KB for 22.1.1